This tutorial walks you through steps to ask questions about a video clip to Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision on Vertex AI.

Google offers different tools for different usages. Gemini comes with built-in chat applications for regular users, and Google AI Studio is a tool for regular developers to use a family of Gemini models, and Generative AI on Vertex AI is for enterprise developers who want to leverage most of generative AI technologies built by Google.

At the time of writing this tutorial, accessing multimodal feature of Gemini via API is only supported on Vertex AI. Hence, the contents of thie tutorial are basically for Vertex AI users who want to try out Gemini’s multimodality.

You could try out multimodality on Google AI Studio’s web interface though.

The workflow of this tutorial

  1. GCP authentication
  2. Initializing Vertex AI session
  3. Writing Python function to interact with Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision
  4. Interacting with Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision (stream mode)
  5. Interacting with Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision (non-stream mode)
  6. Conclusion

To use any service on Google Cloud Platform(GCP) including Vertex AI, authentication is always required. To do this, you need to install gcloud CLI toolkit. If you haven’t yet, install it by following the instruction from this page

If you are a Apple silicon macos user, you can simply follow the below (keep in mind that the future version of gcloud may be different from this tutorial):

# Download gcloud CLI toolkit
$ curl -L -o google-cloud-cli-466.0.0-darwin-arm.tar.gz

# Decompress the tar.gz. You may want to 
# do this on a directory of your choice
$ tar -xvf google-cloud-cli-466.0.0-darwin-arm.tar.gz 

# Install gcloud CLI toolkit
$ ./google-cloud-sdk/

If you try out this tutorial on Google Colab environment, gcloud CLI toolkit is pre-installed in it, so you don’t need to install it by yourself.

Once gcloud CLI toolkit is installed correctly, run below to autheticate. When you run the following command, it gives you a link. Open it up on a browser, then grasp the generated key, then paste it into the terminal.

$ gcloud auth application-default login

While the above process works perfectly fine, we can’t automate it since there is a interactive part of copy and paste stuffs. If that is what you are looking for, consider to run the following commands(it assumes you already have saved your service account key somewhere):

$ gcloud auth application-default login \

The final step to get ready to use Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision is to initialize Vertex AI API. This is to updates common initialization parameters with provided options. If you are curious about what other parameters could be configured, check out the official doc. For the purpose of this tutorial, all we need is GCP project ID and GCP location.

To do that, run the following to install google-cloud-aiplatform PyPI package:

pip install --upgrade google-cloud-aiplatform

Then, import vertexai package and initialize Vertex AI API by using vertexai.init method. When calling vertexai.init method, pass your GCP project ID and GCP location such as us-central1. Those two information is all we need for this tutorial.

import vertexai


vertexai.init(project=GCP_PROJECT_ID, location=GCP_LOCATION)

Now, we are all set to interact with Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision! In the next step, we are going to write a simple Python function to send message to Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision model.

To interact with Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision model on Vertex AI, we need to use vertexai.generative_models modules. Especially, we import two modules, GenerativeModel to specify the model type and Part to define a message to be sent to the model. In the below code snippet, GenerationResponse is imported to give type hint of the return value, so it is not mendatory to import it.

For the sake of simplicity, I dropped the sanity checking code snippets to focus on the core business logic.

from typing import Union, Iterable
from vertexai.generative_models import (
    GenerativeModel, GenerationResponse,
    Part, GenerationConfig

def _default_gen_config():
    return GenerationConfig(

def ask_gemini(
    prompt: str="What is in the video?", 
    video_gcs: str="gs://cloud-samples-data/video/animals.mp4", 
    gen_config: dict=_default_gen_config(),
    stream: bool=False, 
) -> Union[GenerationResponse, Iterable[GenerationResponse]]:

    vision_model = GenerativeModel("gemini-1.0-pro-vision")
    video = Part.from_uri(video_gcs, mime_type="video/mp4")

    return vision_model.generate_content(
        [video, prompt], 
        generation_config=gen_config, stream=stream

Here is what ask_gemini() function does in a nutshell without any explicit parameters:

Now, we have all the ingredients to play with Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision model!

Now, let’s ask gemini about the video hosted on Google Cloud Storage as below:

Since the default value of video_gcs is already gs://cloud-samples-data/video/animals.mp4, we don’t need to specify any parameter to ask_gemini() function. However, below code snippet set the value ofvideo_gcs parameter to highlight what video we are going to analyze.

response = ask_gemini(video_gcs="gs://cloud-samples-data/video/animals.mp4")

Calling ask_gemini() function would take up to 1 minute (this could vary a bit though). Then, similar text as below is displayed out:

 The video is an advertisement for the movie Zootopia. It features a sloth, a fox, and a rabbit taking selfies with a Google Pixel phone. The ad highlights the phone's camera quality and its ability to take great photos even in low-light conditions. The ad also features the tagline "See more at".

In UX perspective, waiting until the response text is fully generated isn’t good because there is no feedback at all for about an minute. Is there a better way? Let’s explore how we could get streamed intermediate results back in the next step.

By passing stream=True to the ask_gemini() function, it returns a type of Iterable[GenerationResponse] back. As you could guess, nothing is different from when stream=False except the response is now iterable. How do we handle iterable? Using for ... in loop of course!

responses = ask_gemini(gcs="gs://cloud-samples-data/video/animals.mp4", stream=True)

for resp in responses:
    print(resp.text, sep="\n\n")

To get a natural output set sep parameter of print function to "". This tutorial set sep=\n\n to clearly show how response from each GenerationResponse is separated.

The above code snippet should print out two chunk of texts as similar as below:

It is a commercial for the movie Zootopia. It shows a sloth, a fox, and a rabbit in a city. It also shows a tiger,

 an elephant, and a seal. The animals are taking pictures of each other. The commercial is funny because it shows the animals doing human things.

Last but not least, it is not ideal to upload video clip on the Google Cloud Storage all the time. Instead, it is more common to ask questions about video clips stored in your local system. Luckily, there is a way for this! To do this, we need to modify ask_gemini function to take additional bytes type parameter as below:

import base64
from typing import Union, Iterable
from vertexai.generative_models import (
    GenerativeModel, GenerationResponse, Part

def ask_gemini(
    prompt: str="What is in the video?", 
    video_gcs: str="gs://cloud-samples-data/video/animals.mp4",
    base64_encoded: bytes=None,
    gen_config: dict=_default_gen_config(),
    stream: bool=False, 
) -> Union[GenerationResponse, Iterable[GenerationResponse]]:
    vision_model = GenerativeModel("gemini-1.0-pro-vision")

    if gcs is not None:
        video = Part.from_uri(gcs, mime_type="video/mp4")
        video = Part.from_data(

    return vision_model.generate_content(
        [video, prompt], 
        generation_config=gen_config, stream=stream

vertexai.generative_models.Part comes with the built-in class method from_data(), and this allows you to define a message with based64 encoded bytes type value. You can easily create base64 encoded bytes with the following code snippet:

with open("animals.mp4", "rb") as video_file:
    video_data =

based64encoded_video = base64.b64encode(video_data)

Then, you are all set. Just call ask_gemini as below:

The above code snippet assumes that you already have animals.mp4 in the current directory. You can pass your own video clip, but if you want to get the same video clip, use gsutil CLI which is installed together when you install gcloud CLI toolkit. gsutil cp gs://cloud-samples-data/video/animals.mp4 ./ command should download the sample video clip.

response = ask_gemini(base64_encoded=based64encoded_video, video_gcs=None)

We have gone through how to interact with Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision model to ask about a video clip.

Here are some takeaways: